A modular, free and open source graphical interface for visualizing and processing electrophysiological signals in real-time


Portable biosensors become more popular every year. In this context, I propose NeuriGUI, a modular and cross-platform graphical interface that connects to those biosensors for real-time processing, exploring and storing of electrophysiological signals. The NeuriGUI acts as a common entry point in brain-computer interfaces, making it possible to plug in downstream third-party applications for real-time analysis of the incoming signal. NeuriGUI is 100% free and open source.


David Baum, PhD. Research Engineer at InteraXon

Seminar Information

Date: 12:00 - Tuesday, 28 May 2024 (GMT-4)


Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
San Joaquin Campus - Ave Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Chile

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