Temperature control module
Caution To avoid damage to the laser fiber, do not strain, bend, or induce sharp curvatures when handling.
The following steps will assemble a temperature control box using the following 3D printed parts: case, and lid, in addition to the following materials: fiber coupled laser with heatsink block*, fan with heatsink, adhesive thermal tape.
Note You could buy the fiber coupled laser with heatsink block, different wavelengths and optical power in the company Shenzhen Guang Chuangfeng Technology Co., Ltd
Step 1: Laser dissipator coupling with cover
Position and attach the laser heatsink block in the lid.
Step 2: Thermal tape gluing
Paste a segment of adhesive thermal tape on the laser heatsink block attached to the lid.
Step 3: Fan coupling with casing
Position and attach the fan with heatsink in the case, passing cables through the slot.
Warning Be careful not to strain the fan cables.
Step 4: Final assembly
Remove the thermal tape protective layer adhered to the laser heatsink block.
Attach case (previously inserted fan with heatsink) with lid (previously attached heatsink block and thermal tape)
Screw 10mm M3 bolts to fix both parts.