
We have used functions is past lessons. Functions have a name and parameters. Some of them return a result, others don’t. We typically call them using result = name(parameters).

See also

Let’s take a look at some functions.


The function print takes a parameter (or multiple parameters) and returns nothing:

result = print('Hello world')

The pow function has two parameters and returns a result:

result = pow(2, 3)

Custom functions#

You can DEFine your own functions using the def statement. After the def statement, you should specify your functions’ name and in brackets its parameters. Afterwards follows a colon : and all following lines of code which are indented are part of this function. A final return statement sends the result back to from where the function was called.

def sum_numbers(a, b):
    result = a + b
    return result

You can then call your function as often as you like

sum_numbers(3, 4)
sum_numbers(5, 6)

Sometimes, you want to save the result of your function in a variable.

c = sum_numbers(4, 5)

Simplify code using functions#

Assume you have a complicated algorithm which can tell you if a number if odd or even. Let’s put this algorithm in a function and call it later on. For our algorithm, we will use the modulo operator %.

def print_odd_or_even(number):
    if number % 2 == 0:
        print(number, "is even")
        print(number, "is odd")

Thus, instead of writing the same if-else block again and again, we can just call our custom print_odd_or_even function.

Documenting functions#

You can document what a function does in its so called doc string. The doc string follows right after the functions header and looks like this:

def square(number):
    Squares a number by multiplying it with itself and returns its result.

    return number * number

You can then later read the documentation of the function like this:


Also try this if you want to have the docstring shown side-by-side in your notebook:


By the way, you can do this with any function:

import math


Exercise 1#

Write a function that takes two parameters: number_of_points_achieved and number_of_total_points_in_exam and returns a grade from 1 to 5. Students with > 95% of the points get grade 1, above 80% they get grade 2, above 60% grade 3 and above 50% grade 4. Students with less than 50% get grade 5 and have to repeat the exam. Then, call the function for three students who had 15, 25 and 29 points in an exam with 30 total points.

def grade_student_exams(number_of_points_achieved: int, number_of_total_points_in_exam: int) -> int:
    percentage = number_of_points_achieved / number_of_total_points_in_exam * 100
    if percentage > 95:
        grade = 1
    elif percentage > 80:
        grade = 2
    elif percentage > 60:
        grade = 3
    elif percentage > 50:
        grade = 4
        grade = 5
    return grade

def grade_pass_fail_exam(number_of_points_achieved: int, number_of_total_points_in_exam: int) -> bool:
    grade = grade_student_exams(number_of_points_achieved, number_of_total_points_in_exam)
    if grade<5:
        return True
        return False
grade_student_exams(20, 30)
grade_pass_fail_exam(20, 30)

Exercise 2#

Write a docstring for your function that describes what it does, the input parameters it expects and the output it returns.

Explore how the Jupyter autocompletion works and inspect your grade_student_exams function with a ?.


Exercise 3#

Create a function that accepts an integer number between 0 and 255 as input, generates a mask for the scipy.datasets.face RGB image, and applies the mask to each of the 3 R, G and B indices, showing each of the three resulting images as Matplotlib plots in turn.

Hint: You can use for loops, masking and functions for this exercise.